How Stainless Steel Wall Protection Systems Keep Laboratories Sterile

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  • How Stainless Steel Wall Protection Systems Keep Laboratories Sterile
3rd Jul, 2023 by Protek

Due to the increasing traffic on walls, there is a growing concern about the damage caused by bumps and scratches. Fortunately, there are some products that can help prevent these from happening. These include durable and resilient wall surfaces. Stainless steel is one of the best products when you’re talking about the protection of your walls, especially in the lab. It’s easy to clean and maintain, which is what makes it so popular. Stainless steel wall protection is highly impact resistant and easy to clean making it ideal for commercial spaces, like laboratories.

Stainless Steel Wall Protection Systems for Laboratories

One of the most important factors that can be considered when it comes to protecting a room's interior is maintaining its design. For your laboratory, wall protection is a popular choice. These products are sleek and contemporary, and they can help retain the overall look of the room. Not only do they look good, but they also provide superior protection against bacteria. Stainless steel wall protection such as WPS-12 Stainless Steel Wall Covering can help your laboratory stay cleaner for longer, reducing the time you’ll need to spend cleaning.

One of the most common materials used for wall protection is steel. This type of metal is known to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria. Aside from this, it can also help prevent the entry of harmful fungi and microbes into a building. Steel is also known to resist the effects of harsh cleaning methods, which makes it incredibly easy to maintain. It can also be used in building exteriors. This type of material is also known to be resilient and can withstand harsh weather conditions. Most wall coverings made from this type of material are also easy to install and maintain. They can be customized according to the design of the room.


If you run a laboratory and are looking at various wall protection systems, it’s time to seriously consider using a stainless steel wall protection system. Stainless steel is one of the best materials to use as it reduces the growth of harmful bacteria and is also very easy to clean and maintain. At Protek Systems Inc we offer stainless steel that can reduce the bacteria in your laboratories and keep your building safer and cleaner, for longer. Contact our team today to learn more about the wall protection systems we offer and why stainless steel could be the best choice for you.

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