Handrails in Hospitals: Why They are a Vital Component for Patient Safety

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  • Handrails in Hospitals: Why They are a Vital Component for Patient Safety
16th Jun, 2023 by Protek

In any hospital setting, the safety and well-being of patients are of the utmost importance. That's why facilities like hospitals require handrails to be installed in areas where patients and staff members are likely to need support, especially in areas that are prone to slippery and wet surfaces, such as bathrooms and showers. Handrails are an essential component of any hospital's safety infrastructure. They serve as a secure and stable support for patients, particularly those who are unsteady on their feet, have limited mobility, or are recovering from an injury. The handrails also help hospital staff provide better care by allowing them to support patients when they move around the hospital.

Benefits of Handrails in Hospitals

Increase Patient Safety

One of the benefits of handrails in hospitals is that they increase patient safety. When patients can hold onto a handrail, they are less likely to slip or fall, which is especially important in areas like bathrooms and showers, where floors can become slippery. This can help to reduce the risk of injury, especially for patients who have limited mobility or are recovering from a recent surgery or injury. In addition to increasing patient safety, handrails in hospitals can also help to improve the overall quality of care that patients receive. By providing support for patients, handrails can make it easier for hospital staff to assist them with mobility, which can help to reduce the risk of further injury. Additionally, handrails can make it easier for hospital staff to perform their duties, as they can support patients more effectively and with less effort.

Increase Work Efficiency

Another benefit of handrails such as HR-100 Stainless Steel Handrail by Protek Systems in hospitals is that they can help to reduce the amount of time and resources required to provide care. By allowing hospital staff to support patients more effectively, handrails can help to reduce the amount of time required to perform certain tasks, such as moving patients from one area of the hospital to another. This can free up hospital staff to focus on other important tasks, such as providing direct care to patients. Handrails are also an important component of infection control in hospitals. By providing a surface that can be easily cleaned and disinfected, handrails can help to reduce the risk of the spread of infection within a hospital. This is especially important in areas like bathrooms and showers, where patients may come into contact with potentially infectious surfaces.


Handrails in hospitals are a vital component of a facility's safety infrastructure. They provide secure and stable support for patients, increase patient safety, improve the quality of care that patients receive, reduce the amount of time and resources required to provide care and play an important role in infection control. If you're in charge of a hospital and looking to improve safety and quality of care, installing handrails is an effective and cost-efficient solution. Reach out to Protek Systems today to learn more about the options available. 

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