Reduce Vandalism with Anti-Graffiti Wall Protection

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3rd Jul, 2023 by Protek

Anti-graffiti Wall Protection: Reducing Vandalism in Schools

Stress is a big problem for kids and young adults these days. Any way that schools and colleges can improve students’ lives will help reduce stress. Graffiti-covered walls, broken equipment, and uncared-for school buildings create a bad environment. They contribute to poor mental health, self-esteem, and behavior in students. Walls that are free from graffiti are one way to help young people respect the school environment. Anti-graffiti wall protection can keep the walls clean without a lot of extra costs.

Wall with grafitti

School vandalism is one indicator of school violence. A better environment and be fostered by preventing small crimes. Studies prove this. A better environment leads to healthier communities and more positive school experiences. But schools have so many costs. Maintaining the facilities is often neglected in favor of keeping teaching funding higher. But what if keeping the environment orderly, attractive, and well-maintained will improve outcomes for students? This certainly makes sense for most schools. The nicer the school looks, the better the students behave and the more they can learn.

Improving school environments for students can. Places that take care of their environments take care of their inhabitants. Neighborhood environment has been shown to reduce depressive and anxious events in adolescents. The same effect can work in school environments. Social cohesion increases when there is care taken in building the environment of schools. Lack of evidence of criminal activity, even just vandalism, improves the atmosphere. Which will increase the sense of a functioning social system.

How do you prevent vandalism in schools? Or clean it up quickly and cheaply? One way is by using wall coverings that resist damage and can be easily cleaned. This can actually save money in the long run. Janitorial costs for cleaning walls may quickly exceed the initial purchase price of installing graffiti-resistant wall treatments such as WPS-12 Stainless Steel Wall Covering by Protek Systems.

High schools and primary schools are not the only ones with student vandalism causing problems. Universities, colleges, and vocational schools all have similar graffiti problems. Facility management can mitigate this. By renovating with wallcoverings to resist graffiti and increase the ease with which wall marks are removed, vandalism goes down.


Your environment affects your mood. If you live in a neighborhood of broken windows, garbage in the streets, and graffiti on the walls, the community will feel unsafe. Even if these are only minor annoyances they add up. Believe it or not, how people feel affects how they work and interact. Contact our team at Protek Systems for helping you create a clean environment for students to feel better by keeping the walls free from vandalism will improve both educational and behavioral outcomes.

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